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Prototype ESEM


Some of the parts used in the modification of the JSM-2 SEM to produce an ESEM are given below:


Scintillating BSE detector according to (17)


Bottom view of "cup" to incorporate detectors, electrodes, differential pumping and PLA1 (see 17) 


Top view of "cup" with loop electrode above PLA1


Enlarged view of loop electrode above PLA1


Objective pole-piece with "cup" removed


Bottom view of specimen stub with two charge preamplifiers built in the hollow space of stub (used in GDD )


Top view of specimen stub with a PCB board cathode electrode.  Similar board was used to make concentric the multi-electrode gaseous detection device

For detailed images of the optimum backscattered electron detectors developed and used please go here.  For the electronics used in the specimen stub go here.


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